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allegations of the complaint

已有 139 次阅读2012-3-24 14:51

allegations of the complaint

 and alleged affirmatively the defense of assumption of risk and contributory negligence. There were two trials before a jury. On the first trial the jury disagreed, and on the second trial the Jury returned a verdict in favor of the plaintiff for ? After the first trial, but before the second, the defendant made application that plaintiff give security for costs, and the court made an order requiring such security, but plaintiff tiled an affidavit alleging his inability to do so. The defendant questioned the sufficiency of the showing made by plaintiff, and moved to dismiss the suit for failure t comply with the order of the court The motion to dismiss was denied. After judgment the defendant moved for a new trial; the motion being ovehttp://www.beatsbydres-sale.com/ rruled. This appeal is taken from the judgment alone. There Is no appeal from the order overruling the motion for a new trial.For otner cases see same topic and section NUMBER In Dec. Dig. & Am. Dig. Key-No. Series & Rep'r IndexeiThe grounds of the motion embraced alleged errDiscount Beats By Dre ors of the trial court occurring during the progress of the trial In admitting and rejecting evidence; In giving and refusing instructions; the insufficiency of the evidence; that the verdict is contrary to law and was given under the Influence of passion and prejudice. The appellant makesassignments of error In this court The first error assigned Involves the denial of the defendant's motion to dismiss the case based on the defendant's failure to give the security for costs. The otherassignments go to the insufficiency of the evidence to support the verdict, errors of the trial court committed iuring the progress of the trial in the admission and rejection of evidence, and the giving and refusing instructions to the jury. The appellant does notIpsissimlCheap Beats By Dr Dre s verbis assign as error the action of the court in overruling the motion for a new trial, and for this reason the appellee insists that, with the exception of the first assignment, the other alleged errors are insufficiently assigned and this court may not consider them; the reason advanced being that, as these assignments present errors which are good grounds for a new Cheap Beats By Dre trial, if the ruling of the court denying the motion is not In the very words assigned as error, the error of tCheap Dre Beats Headphones he court, If any, is waived by the failure to so assign.In support of this contention appellee cites the following cases: Turner v. Franklin,ArizPacPutnam v. Putnam,ArizPacGreer v. Richards,ArizPacTietjen v. Snead,ArizPacLemon v. Ward,ArizPacCounty of Maricopa v. Osborn,ArizPac An examination of these cases will show that they are not exactly in point on the question now before the court. In the first three cases there was no hiotion for a new trial made in the lower court, and the Supreme Court decided that the remedy appellants sought in the appellate court may have been awarded to them in the court below on motion for a new trial, and until appellant has exhausted his remedies in the lower court he will not be heard to complain on appeal. No such motion having been made, the alleged errors could not be considered. In the last three cases the motion for a new trial, and the ruling thereon, were not preserved In a bill of exceptions or statehence the appellate court could not consider the error in the ruling upon the motion as the matter was not before them.The rules of this court in substance, provide that all assignments of errors must distinctly specify each ground of error relied upon and the particular ruling complained of. If the assignment of error be that the court overruled a motion for a new trial, and the motion is based upon more than one ground, the same will not be considered distinct and specific by this court unless each ground is separately and distinctly stated In the assignment of errors. Rule Pac. xl, Assignments of Errors.While appellant did not assign that the court erred in overruling defendant's motion for a new trial, it did assign as error such grounds embraced In the motion which it relies upon for a reversal of the judgment. These grounds are separately and



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