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But all this availed little.

已有 185 次阅读2012-5-29 16:25

But all this availed little.

 Mrs. Hardy believed that she understood the babe's true character and wants much better than the father, and in nothing did she yield. His unkind words she bore with patience, though often they fell heavily upon her heart. Up to its third month, the child had been very healthy, not once requiring the attendance of a physician. On the subject of medicine, Mr. and Mrs. Hardy did not agree. In Mr. Enfield's family, the homoeopathic treatment had been adopted, and their daughter had been used to it from childhood up to womanhood. Mr. Hardy, on the contrary, scouted at the new treatment as based on a tissue of absurdities, and altogether at war with his favourite commonsense. He had no more faith in a trituration or a dilution, than in so much pure sugar or alcohol.In the choice of her own physician, Mrs. Hardy firmly adhered to the medical faith in which she had been educateTods Shoes Sale d, and in the truth of which she 5 had the strongest assurance. Mr. Hardy tried to reason with her on the subject; but she offered no arguments in return, simply adhering to her purpose. But, when it came to the question of a physician for the sick babe, the father was determined to have his own will, and an allopathist was called. Mrs. Hardy made no opposition beyond a simple pleading remonstrance. For herself she would have asked nothing; yet, for her babe, she would have humbled herself at his feet, could that have availed anything. But she had learned to believe her husband's oftrepeated words, "John Hardy never changes." And so she was passive.The physician, a kind, gentlemanly, sympa| thizingTods Outlet man, came at the summons, and found the ) habe ill, and in immediate need of attention. He | had never seen Mrs. Hardy before, and was struck with her manner and appearance, but particularly with the singular way in which she received him. When he laid his hand upon the child, he could see that the mother shrank from him with a kind of dread, and that she was altogether ill at ease. Anxiouhttp://www.todsshoes-sale.com s to comprehend the meaning of this, he first sought by kind inquiries, and expressions of tender interest in the babe, to gain her confidTods Online ence and he was in a measure successful. Then, after carefully noting all the symptoms, he spoke encouragingly, and predicted a speedy return to health."You will not give her very strong medicine, Doctor?" said Mrs. Hardy, with much anxiety in her tone."No, madam," he answered promptly; "infants cannot bear strong medicines.""Don't trouble yourself about that matter, child," remarked MrTods Shoes. Hardy, affecting a lightness of manner which he did not feel. "The doctor understands the case and its requirements, and i will, with due caution, do everything that is j needed."The doctor now wrote a prescription which Mrs. Hardy read over eagerly, as soon as it was completed. She understood enough of it to be When the doctor called soon afterwards, he found a most encouraging change. The fever had entirely subsided, and every other symptom of disease was visibly abated. He congratulated the mother on the favourable turn things had taken, consequent on the curative action of the medicine prescribed.Mrs. Hardy did not respond very warmly to this, nor did she seem at her ease. Naturally free from guile, and truthful from principle, this, almost the first instance of her life in which she had acted with duplicity, disturbed the quiet of her selfrepose. She had deceived the doctor, and done what he would regard as a professional insult. And this being so, she could not assume towards him the pleased, familiar, confiding air his manner invited; but rather treated him with greater coldness and reserve than in the morning. The doctor was altogether at a loss to understand her. He had heard something said as to her being "peculiar;" and he was inclined to think that there might be some truth in the report."How much of the medicine is left?" he inquired, looking towards the mantelpiece, where the cup, in which it had been mixed, was standing."It is all gone," was answered. "

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