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The soil in both were exa

已有 165 次阅读2012-5-29 16:26

The soil in both were exa

ctly the same; and the dung half rotten. The preceding crop had in both instances been potatoes, and the quality uf the car* rots was similar in both cases. An extensive coU lection of such well authenticated experiments are better calculated to extend the boundaries of agricultural knowledge, than all the theories and mere reasonings upon them, yet published.  Mode of cultivating parsnips in Guernsey, Although this rohttp://www.todsshoes-sale.com ot is cultivated in almost all the soils of that island, that is esteemed the best which consists of a good light loam, the deeper the. belter. If the loamy soil is not deep, the under soil at least should be opened, to allow of the free penetration of the roots.  If the land is not perfectly clear from couch gram and other weeds, it is pared with the paring-plough in October, and harrowed to remove the weeds. About the middle of February, the land is prepared for sowing by means of 2 ploughs. A small plough precedes, and opens the furrow to the depth of four inches, and is followed by a large plough drawn by four or six oxen and as many horses, which deepens the furrow to ten or fourteen inches. As soon as the clods are capable of being broken, the harrowing commences, and is repeated till the soil is pulverized, and reduced nearly to the state of garden mould. The whole of the processes are intended to ^oosen the soil to as great a depth as possible.  The seed should not be more than a yearTods Shoes old, a* it is uncertain when of a greater age. It is sown broad-cast, and on a day just so windy as to insure its regulTods Shoes Sale ar spreading over the surface. The seed is then covered by the harrow. s The quantity sown is from 2 to 4 quarts.  As soon as the plants are sufficiently strong, they are hand-weeded and thinned, and this operation must be repeated at least three times during the summer. The distance between the plants is ultimately about nine inches; and to save a pcrtioo of the labour, a harrowing is sometimes giveu between the first and second weedings.  The first weeding is performed about the middlr of May, and repeated when necessary, till the beginning of July.  The roots are dug up iibout the middle of August, when they are thought to be most nutritious and to fatten animals better than after the leuv are decayed. The quantity dug up at this season is not more than is required for two or '.hree days' eomomTods Online ptwn It is only in October that the root is fully ripe, when it may be dug up with forks, and preserved dry in sheds during the winter; but it is usually lelt in the ground in Guernsey, where frost is rare, and taken up as it is wanted.  The parsnip is considered by the Guernsey farmers to be the most nutritious root known, Tods Outlet superior even to the carrot and the potatoe. When small, it is giv.?n to the animals whole, but when large, it is sliced longitudinally. Hogs pretei this root to all others, and it makes excellent pork. Horses are equally fond of the parsnip, although from eating it with too much avidity it sometimes sticks In the throat. But this may easily be prevented by cutting the roots into pieces before they are given. 2 o cultivate hemp. * 1 he sot*. The soils most suited to the culture of this plant, are those of the deep, black, putrid vegetable kind, that are low, and rather inclined to moisture, and those of the deep mellow, loamy, or sandy descriptions. The quantity of produce is generally much greater on the former than on the latter; but it is said to be greatly inferior in quality. It may, however, be grown with success on lands of a less rich and fertile kind, by prc(;ercare and attention in their culture and preparation.  To prepare the ground. In order to render the grounds proper for the reception of the crop, they should be reduced into fine mellow state of mould, and be perfectly cleared from weeds, by repeated ploughing. When it succeeds grain crops, the work is mostly accomplished by three ploughings, and as many harrowings: the first being given immediately after the preceding crop is removed, the second early in the spring, and the last, or seed earth,


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