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Just before the seed is to be put

已有 172 次阅读2012-5-29 16:28

Just before the seed is to be put

 in. In the last ploughing, well rotted manure, in the proportion of 15 or 20, or good compost, in the quantity of 25 or 33 ftorae cart loads, should be turned into the land; as without this it is seldom that good crops can be produced. The surface of the ground being left perfectly flat, and as free from furrows asnossible; as by these means the moisture is more effectually retained, and the growth of the plants more fully promoted.  Quantity of seed, &c. It is of much importance in the cultivation of hemp crops, that the seed be new, and of a good quality, which may in some measure be known by its fueling heavy in the hand, and being of a bright shining colour.  The proportion of seed that is most commonly employed, is from two to Tods Shoes hree bushels, according to the quality of the land; but, as the crops are greatly injured by the plants standing too closely together, two bushels, or two bushels and a halt, may be a more advantageous quantity.  As the hemp plant is extremely tender in its early growth, care should be taken not to put the seed into the ghttp://www.todsshoes-sale.com round at so early a period, as that it may be liable to be injured by the eftects of frost; nor to protract the sowing to so late a season, as that the quality of the produce may be affected. The best season, on the drier sorts of land, in the southern districts, is, as soon as possible after the frosts are over in April, and, on the same descriptions of soil, in the more northern ones, towards the close of the same month, or early in the ensuing one.  Method of sowing. The most general method of putting crops of this sort into the soil is the broadcast, the seed being dispersed over the surface of the land in as even a manner as possible, and afterwards covered ui by meant of a very light harrowing. In many  cases, however, especially where the crops are to stand for seed, the drill method in rows, at small distances, might be had recourse to with advantage; as, in this way, the early growth of th* plants would be more effectually promoted, and the land be kept in a more clean and perfect state of mould, which are circumstances of importance in such crops. In whatever method the seed ii put in, care must constantly be taken to keep the birds from it for some time afterwards.  This sort of crop is frequently cultivated on the same pieces of ground for a great number of years, without any other kind of intervTods Shoes Sale ening; but, in such cases, manure must be applied with almost every crop, in pretty large proportions, to prevent the exhaustion that must otherwise take place. It may be sown after most sorts of grain crops, especially where the land possesses sufficient fertility, and is in a proper state of tillage.  After culture. As hemp, from its tall growth and thick foliage, soon covers the surface of the land, and prevents the rising of weeds, little attention is necessary after the seed has been put into the ground, especially where the broadcast method of sowing is practised; butTods Online, when put in by the drill machine, a hoeing or two may be had recourse to with advantage in the early growth of the crop.  In the culture of this plant, it is particularly necessary that the same piece of land contains both male and female, or what is sometimes denominated simple hemp. The latter kind contains the seed.  When the crop is ripe, (which is known by it! becoming of a whitish-yellow colour, and a few of the leaves beginning to drop from the stems; this happens commonly about 13 or 14 weeks from the period of its being Tods Outlet sown, according as the seasos may be dry or wet (the first sort being mostly ripe some weeks before the latter), the next operation is that of taking it from the ground; which is effected by pulling it up by the roots, in small parcels at a time, by the hand, taking care to shake off the mould well from them before the handsful are laid down. In some districts, the whole crop is pulled together, without any distinction being made between the different kinds of hemp; whi.e, in others, it is the practice to separate and pull them at different times, according to their ripeness.

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